Home Top 100 Faces of Davao Top 100 Faces of Davao now online!

    Top 100 Faces of Davao now online!


    Faces of Davao Official Page by Davao Eagle Online is now running.

    DavaoEagle’s search for the Top 100 Faces of Davao is nothing but the epitome of Davao’s beautiful people. The search showcases Davao’s finest.

    The contest is open to all to everyone in and from the Davao Region be it in Davao Del Sur, Davao Oriental, Compostela Valley, Davao del Norte or Metro Davao.


    The search for Top 100 Faces of Davao has two-levels:

    Nomination Period (April 2 to May 31, 2012)

    The Nomination Period is the first level of the selection process. The official page of Davao Eagle and DE Online Fanpage will be available for accepting nominations. Qualifiers shall be determined via Facebook profile and must be recognizable by other FB users. A screening team shall be deemed nominees and whichever qualifies for the Voting Period.

    Voting Period (June 1 to July 31, 2012)

    After the Nomination Period, more or less 300 qualifiers will compete each other. The profiles and photos of the finalists will be uploaded on the Davao Eagle’s Face page on www.faces.davaoeagle.com for online voting. Davao Eagle is looking forward for an event that includes a fashion show and an after party showcasing the 100 best faces of Davao. The criteria for the ranking of the Top 100 Faces of Davao 2012 is divided into 50% from the 5-star rating system and  50% from Facebook likes.

    Eligible Participants

    • No fee is necessary to join the search
    • Nominee should be from Davao, currently enrolled from different schools in Davao or working here in Davao
    • No age limit
    • Must have a picture of his/her Facebook page and must be recognizable by other FB users
    • Those with existing modeling contracts that include exclusivity clauses may not join the search
    • Davao Eagle online affiliates and partners are not allowed,.
    • If, for some reason, a nominee withdraws his/her participation, he/she may request to remove from the list
    • Nominees simply have to like Davao Eagle Online’s FanPage
    • Nominee may request to change his/her photo


    There are 3 ways to nominate

    1. Facebook.  To nominate, just like Davao Eagle Online Fan Page and submit your nomination through our message board. Please include nominee’s full name and FB URL/Page
    2. Email. Send an email with nominee’s full name, FB URL and picture to emaildavaoeagle@gmail.com.
    3. Davao Eagle Main Page. Fill up the comment form below on DavaoEagle.Com

    Uploading and Voting

    The photos and profiles of the qualifiers will be uploaded on the Davao Eagle event page on www.faces.davaoeagle.com.

    Ranking of the official Top 100 Faces of Davao will be determined through 5-Star Rating System and highest number of Facebook likes.

    The page should be ready to accept votes upon Voting Period. A vote tally will also appear next to the candidate. The vote tally is automatically updated after a vote is cast.

    Announcement of Winners

    The nomination period run for 2 months as well as the voting period. The nominees with the highest accumulated scores from the 5-star rating system and Facebook likes will be the basis of the ranking.


    • Top 5 Faces of Davao will receive free gift certificates from Pacific Spa and Sheila Magpale Salon.
    • Exposure on Friendly.ph, the newest social media designed to connect all Filipinos all over the world.
    • Exposure on www.DavaeoEagle.com.
    • A chance to be part of the Group of Artists from amateurs to professional through AAAAA Productions.
    • Winners will also be aired through Wild 92.3 FM WT.



    The Top 100 Faces of Davao is made possible by Davao Eagle Online in partnership with Wild 92.3 WT, Pacific Spa, Shiela Magpale Salon, Friendly.ph, Mocha Productions and AAAAA Productions.