Home Travel & Adventure Guang Guang Mangrove Park & Nursery

    Guang Guang Mangrove Park & Nursery


    Guang Guang Mangrove Park & Nursery is a joint project of Guang-Guang Community and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, serving as the habitat of Marine lives.

    The reserve seizes a land area of 21,000 hectares. There are mangrove trees of different varieties that provides a good yielding grounds for marine lives like sea turtles.

    We walked around to take photos. We even climbed up the cottage to gauge the total view of the park.

    At its first glimpse, you would thought to compare it with a flooded village. The waters of the park is not stagnant and that it is is brackish, a mixture of salt and fresh water.

    Walking along the park was fun! Young girls and boys are game to swim. Families were bunched together as they clowned and shared their meals with their own seats and tables.

    Indeed, a family or group picnic can be quite a serene experience. Shadowed and walled in by mangroves, there’s that certain feeling of calmness as you step your feet on the waters.

    CREDIT: Photos by Ophelia Casel