Home Food & Restaurants ICON+ Project: The Quest for Best Male Performer is on!

    ICON+ Project: The Quest for Best Male Performer is on!


    The Association of Creative Artists, Inc (1998-2012) is celebrating this year its 15th anniversary. Since 1998, AOCAI has produced various local artists for stage, film and national TV.

    In partnership with NCCC Mall of Davao, AOCAI will be organizing an event on August 23 and 27, 2012 (from 1pm to 7pm). The show entitled: “THE ICON+ PROJECT” will be a quest for the best male performers for Mindanao’s First Vocal Dance Crew.

    The audition-selection is open to male performers coming from schools and barangays between 14-24 years old and at least 5’4” in height. Registration begins on August 10, 2012 (mall hours). Applicants will present proof of purchase worth P 200.00 from NCCC Department Store. Validation of registered applicants will be done from August 8 to August 23, 2012. Participants will be subject for disqualification if they have not completed the said requirements for registration such as proof of purchase, and certified photocopy of birth certificate/ barangay clearance or NSO certificate indicating the birth date of the participant. Total amount of prizes will be 10,000.00 pesos worth of gift certificates courtesy of NCCC Department Store.

    Determination of winners is based on judges’ choices. They will discuss among themselves and choose and declare who will make it to the Final list based on their performances.


    • Male Performers must be in from 14 to 24 years old and at least 5’7” in height. The reckoning date of age (14-24) shall on the date of the grand finals (August 27, 2012).
    • Participants from all walks of life compete against the 120-second clock during the preliminary audition in the dancing category (1 minute) and singing category (1minute)
    • The Judges composed of (5) members will be deciding who gets through the next round based on the (August 23 preliminary auditions). The determination of the finalists will be based on the judges’ choices.


    • Judges will judge each applicant with plus (+) which is equivalent to YES and a minus (-) sign which is equivalent to NO with the use of 1.5 x 1.5” tarpaulin signages.
    • RED minus signs and/ or BLACK plus signs will be raised up after each applicant’s performance.
    • Applicant who gets 3-5 plus (+) signs qualifies to the possible list of finalists.
    • Applicant who gets 3-5 minus (-) signs are eliminated from the competition.
    • Official Icon+ Project Officials will present to the judges the list of all applicants who qualified.
    • Judges will discuss among themselves and will choose among the qualified applicants on who will make it to the Final list of ICON+ finalists based on their previous performances, potentials and charm.
    • Participants will again showcase their skills on August 27, 2012 (Monday) (Final Selection Night) using the Icon+ Cover Songs. (120 second clock)
    • The judges will again decide who gets through the next round where the finalists will be given assigned groups.
    • Judges will choose and declare who among the finalists will make it to the Final List of ICON+ vocal Dance Crew.


    • Right after August 23. The 15 finalists’ photos will be posted at Davao Eagle Blogsite.
    • Winner of this award will be determined by the most number of likes created on the online poll/ online voting.
    • Criteria for voting : Someone who epitomizes the good looks and amazing talents, and charm.
    • Winner will receive Gift certificates from Davao Eagle online on August 27, 2012 (Final Selection Night)
    • This is a special award and will not affect the judges decision on the actual final selection night.


    • NCCC Mall of Davao
    • NCCC Department Store
    • Yamaha
    • ICEA Performing Arts
    • Psalmstre Placenta
    • Davao Eagle
    • Pacific Spa
    • Soundtrack Recording Studio
    • Wiltelcom
    • MDCT
    • JSB Waves Talent Corp