Home Random Davao’s 10 Most Followed on Facebook (August Issue)

    Davao’s 10 Most Followed on Facebook (August Issue)


    We’ve combed through Facebook to compile a list of Davao people who’ve made it into Facebook’s “DAVAO’S 10 MOST FOLLOWED PEOPLE,” based on the number of Followers each of their respective profile has accumulated.


    A new entry and a student from Holy Cross of Davao College, Bryan Jagolino tops the list of Facebook’s most followed with approximately 85,679 followers on his Facebook Page, overtaking previous leader Lance Bleza De Ocampo who drops at no. 2.

    Apple Kawakami climbs four notch up at the expense of Dewanie Kim Catapang Sala who drops at no. 7.

    Here’s the complete list of Davao’s 10 most followed for the month of August:

      1. Lance Bleza De Ocampo (MrJabboo)    https://www.facebook.com/Lanzii
      2. Bryan Jagolino  https://www.facebook.com/jagolinoii?fref=ts
      3. Dann Tancuan    https://www.facebook.com/dannicatancuan11
      4. Carlen Apuya    https://www.facebook.com/carlen06?ref=ts&fref=ts
      5. Stephen Guilaran     https://www.facebook.com/real.stephenguilaran?ref=ts&fref=ts
      6. Apple Kawakami    https://www.facebook.com/apple.kawakami
      7. Dewanie Kim Catapang Sala    https://www.facebook.com/dkcatapang
      8. Honnedale Ferrer     https://www.facebook.com/honnedale.III
      9. Jamaica Choi     https://www.facebook.com/choitopssi
      10. Prince Jayson (Jayson Fulguerinas Castino)    https://www.facebook.com/sjay4ever?ref=ts&fref=ts

    Davao Eagle Online 2013

    Are you surprised by any of the people on our list? Tell us if there’s a Davao-based Facebook user that should be on the list. Let us know below!