Riding on the waves of fierce ambition, this Davaoeña beauty is out on her way to reach the top! Meet Janine, the fearless head turner who has conquered all odds to reach her dream. An AB International Studies student of the prestigious Ateneo de Davao University, Janine proves that she is not just one hot chick, she’s an intellectual bombshell as well. Behind her alluring smiles however, is a story of a girl who had aspired and struggled hard to be where she is now.

It may not seem like it, but this daring model has had to combat with her innate shyness. “I was really a shy person, and that was the reason why I didn’t enter the world of modeling earlier”, admits the 21-year old model. She continues, “When I finally decided to join workshops, I was scared and hesitant. I felt that I couldn’t pull myself through. But then every time I begin to doubt, a small voice at the back of my head would tell me that I could do it, that I just had to try. So I did, and I have never stopped doing my best since.” Janine continues, “The more I immersed myself into my modeling career, the more difficult the path I have taken seemed to be. Time and again, I had to fight feelings of negativity that came with all the discouragements hurled along my way. Every time I felt like quitting, I just remember that no one succeeds by having it all easy. Through all the pessimism I had to fight, I learned how to find my strength in my weaknesses, to be flexible in tough situations, to remain balanced even in the most unsettling conditions, and to remain humble even in the most daunting times.”

Her intense passion for modeling is what has helped her keep going through all the times when she felt like giving up on her dreams—a passion borne from inspiration. “A lot of people have inspired me to become who I am right now”, she reveals, “especially my Aunt Aida Laurel, who I have always looked up to for being such a good adviser. She has helped me realize the need to set the balance right between my studies and my career and has constantly reminded me to remain humble no matter how successful I turn out to be. I am also thankful to Kendrick Lao, who has unfailingly shown me his effort and support through good times and bad. My mother too, Alma Laurel, has become a source of inspiration to me. Although she used to laugh at me, now she is proud to support me, just as I am proud of her. Most of all, I owe everything—every single success to God, who has never failed to give me the courage every time I needed it the most. I am ever grateful for their presence. Knowing that the people who matter most to me are rooting out for me despite everything fuels in me the strength I never thought I have. I wouldn’t be where I am now without them. They are the reason why until now, I have kept fighting and keeping the flame of determination to continue what I have begun, burning in my heart.”

Her story may just be one of the many success stories we hear of constantly, but what makes it wonderful is the realization that our young and dashing lady is not just another beautiful face, but a woman of substance as well. Davaoeños are rightly proud of her! Cara Sophia