Home Top 15 Teen Icons Davao Eagle Online’s Top Teen Icons No.14: Darren Lester Pedronio

    Davao Eagle Online’s Top Teen Icons No.14: Darren Lester Pedronio


    Your likes have been cast and now Davao Eagle Online Top 15 Teen Icons has tallied all votes from the 100 finalists.

    We know it takes an astounding lot to rally behind the icons you deem worthy of inclusion in this list. And that’s when you strive to make the amazing happen by enthusiastically voting for your idols. That’s putting in the effort.

    As the voting closed at midnight on January 10, 2014, Mr. Achiever Darren Lester Pedronio assumed the 14th spot. He garnered a total of 66 votes.

    darren 3


    Darren is not just the typical Tall, Dark and Handsome guy that you will encounter in the grounds of SPC. He is a role model in his school being the leader of several scholastic organization, an academic achiever and a volleyball athlete. You may be familiar with him for he is the official model for the male uniform of his Alma mater. Having big tarps in each campus entrances, truly a campus icon your eye will never fail to notice.

    Tops the chart? Find out this year’s official Top 15 ranking post soon!