Home Business Maybank MOVE Paves Way For Refined Digital Conveniences

Maybank MOVE Paves Way For Refined Digital Conveniences


Maybank Philippines launches Maybank MOVE (Mobile-Optimized Virtual Experiences), a first-in-the-industry fully integrated digital offering which aims to enhance and simplify the process of performing financial services via its new straight-through banking processes.

Using the Maybank2u PH app, Maybank MOVE will allow customers to open an online-only savings account called iSave. All forms and documentary requirements can be submitted through the app. Further, the iSave account allows customers to access their accounts and enjoy withdrawals at any ATMs nationwide. It’s all online. No need to go to a branch.

The Maybank MOVE offering was introduced to support the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) financial inclusion agenda to make banking accessible to more Filipinos.

“For Maybank, MOVE is about enriching our offerings through digital banking which is in line with our commitment to leverage on cutting edge technology as well as our strategic objective of being the digital bank of choice in the region,” said Choong Wai Hong, Maybank Philippines President, and Chief Executive Officer.

“Our digital approach is centered on four key areas: enriching our customer offerings, investing in strategic capabilities, exploring broadly and understanding deeply the landscape, and building and participating in the digital ecosystem, which includes engaging with regulators, Fintech companies and global leaders to build truly differentiated digital offerings for our customers.”, Mr. Choong added.

Head of Virtual Banking Maybank Philippines, Dexter Go added, “In 2019, we envision the Bank to continue enhancing our services for existing and prospective clients. Rest assured that we will revolutionize our customers’ banking experience to keep abreast of the constantly evolving trends in the market which are all inclined to digital adaptability.”

Following the launch of this new offering, Maybank Philippines introduced the Maybank MOVE store here in the city. It is a mobile pop-up store that will travel across the Philippines to showcase the first iSave account, and to invite application for a Maybank Auto Loan or credit card through their third-party partners: Lendr and kaasenso.com. The MOVE store is another innovative, hip and fun initiative to showcase the array of digital conveniences.

Maybank Philippines Inc. currently has 74 branches nationwide making it the most accessible foreign bank in the Philippines. This proposition will be expanded further as the bank embraces the ever-changing standards and requisites of the digital realm.

“In this day and age where everything is ultra-fast-paced, banks need to empower and encourage their loyal and future customers by giving them the flexibility of time and opportunities to MOVE – to do more of what they need to do. Maybank is answering this need by providing its clients good, fast and efficient services, lifestyle rewards and all other perks that the digital world has to offer,” Dexter added.

The Maybank MOVE store will be traveling to different Metro Manila sites within the year. Get more updates on their digital MOVE via the official Facebook page @MaybankPhilippines. For more information, visit www.maybank.com.ph.

Let’s get ready to Move! Get Going, Get Banking with Maybank Move – Mobile-Optimized Virtual Experiences.

For more information, please contact:

Corporate Affairs and Communications, Maybank Philippines, Inc.
Edelyn H. Castro (Deng) +632 588.3777 ext. 1633 / +639088853286
Email: ehcastro@maybank.com