Home Events YFC Davao presents Campus Fresh Party 2018: Alive

    YFC Davao presents Campus Fresh Party 2018: Alive


    Written by Shemaiah Gail P. Placencia

    Annually, the CFC-Youth for Christ Campus-Based program celebrates its Campus Fresh Party as an event for the welcoming of all college students, especially the freshmen, to a new academic year. The Campus Fresh is a party created for both YFCs and Non-YFCs alike. This is also an avenue for the YFC members who have just graduated from high school and proceeded their education to universities and colleges, for them to be acquainted and build a reliable support group among the already existing YFCs in the Campus-Based program.

    Photo credit from YFC Ycom Davao
    Photo credit from YFC Ycom Davao

    Taking off from last year’s theme, which was “Esprit de Corps” which meant having the same spirit of building strong camaraderie, enthusiasm, and loyalty among a group of people; this year’s theme is “Alive”, which is rooted from Acts 2:1-4 or the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. Campus Fresh Party 2018 will be an exciting way of reminding the youth about how the Holy Spirit works in our daily lives by learning how to acknowledge it and work with it. Coupled with this pastoral content are enjoyable fellowship activities such as games, the showcase of talents, and many others that will truly allow the participants to experience and share fun, freedom, friendship, and faith.

    This party is open to all and will take place in the University of the Immaculate Conception Bonifacio Gym on September 8, 2018, by 4:00 PM. Tickets are also sold at Php 30 only. More than 500 youth are expected to attend this year’s Campus Fresh Party from ten campuses from all over Davao City. These campuses include the Ateneo de Davao University, Davao Doctors College, DMMA College of Southern Philippines, Holy Cross of Davao College, MATS College of Technology, San Pedro College, University of Mindanao, University of the Immaculate Conception, University of the Philippines Mindanao, and the University of Southeastern Philippines. Students from other colleges and universities are also encouraged to join and bring friends along with them!

    For more details about the upcoming events and updates about  YFC Campus Based Davao, like their page on facebook