Home Trending & Features BoyDamgo Series: Part 3 (Dinner With The Dream Family)

BoyDamgo Series: Part 3 (Dinner With The Dream Family)

Chow time with the Dream Family

Pramis, this is the most interesting part, Kc it’s the JUDGMENT DAY!!!. so ayun nga guys, napasubo aq na pumasok sa Campo Militar ng Familia De Damgo.. Kc hinila aq ni DreamGirl papasok sa Bahagharing Kaharian, I was not forced, I was Honored to know more about her.. Kulba jud kaau ang feeling guys, mura kog Tulion usab ato that time, without anesthesia, kanang sundang2 lng gud ug ingkit dahon sa bayabas and then Tumbling w/ 360 degrees spinning jump towards the Lake.. wala man gud q kabalo kung unsa ang nagpaabot sa aq sa sulod, every step towards the house, mura pud kog nagalakang padulong sa akong Kabaong. Despite all my Anxiousness, Gi-Greet q ni MotherEarth with a very warm smile mga 120 Degrees Celcius.. Gipa lingkud q sa sala. and beyond that, did2 lng nq narealize na, it was the exact time na mag visit iyang whole family every Month, Dli nq maingon nga Swerte o Malas.. Nasapian gud q ug Espiritu ng Kawalan, wala q kabalo unsa aq buhaton, gipaningot akong kamot ug 50ml, nbasa akong Hanky na bag-ong hulom sa downy, nanimaho ug pan-os na deodorant. Sa dihang ning ana c DreamGirl na “”””Dira sa ka ha, Mag-ilis lng q kadali kay lagkit na ayo aq uniform”””” dala hikap sa akong not so smooth skin, pero feel jud nq to cya guys, pas2 ayo ning saka akong neurons ato, and akong naisip “”””Please Don’t Leave Me! :S””””, after that, gitagaan kog Sandwich ni MotherEarth, and I was like “”””Busog paman q oyy””””, “”””Pero Para kay LabLab and MaderDear, hutdon nq ni!!!””””, tua ra, gilamon jud nq with feelings and elegance ang Sandwich ni MotherEarth, did2 nq na try for the 1st time ang Nutella, kaingon gud ko sa akong isip na, “”””Wow, I take back my words, Gutom pa diay ko, Isa pa pls””””, pero wala nq to giingon ha, aksyon pud tag kaulaw oyy, mga bali 2/3 na ulaw lng.. Gi-ask q ni MotherEarth, kung classmate ba daw q ni DreamGirl, tubag dayon q na “”””Dli bya ma’am””, reply c MotherEarth, “”oh really?, kaw gud ang una nya gidala dria na friend””””. Kadungog mo ato guys????!! Ningbagting akong eardrums!!! Lupig pang kampana sa Church ug Sirena sa Ambulance akong ndungog that time, I was uncontrollably smiling, wala q kabalo nganu to, pero Happy ayo q, mura kog nkadaog ug House and Lot, kanang fully furnished gud wid Car! syempre pra Garbo!  wala pod q nagpdala sa akong Feelings, tubag daun q ug “”””Atik TITA?””””. OMG!! TITA AGAD? pwde bang Ma’am lng muna? askyon gud kog kabalaka ato murag kog nakawatan ug TV na 40inches flat screen sa akong mind tungod sa akong katangaan.. ningkatawa ug volume 9 c Antiii MotherEarth, grabe jud iyang katawa guys.. nalingaw daw cya sa akong Facial Expressions.. Mura daw kog naSchock ug Live wire.. haha, ana daun cya “”””Feel at home lng **R** ha, Magluto muna aq ng dinner, d2 ka nlng mag dinner kung gus2 mo””””, paghawa ni MotherEarth, grabeg trapo nq sa akong singot na non-stop oyy.. wala njud nq napugngan, nangutana daun q kung asa ang CR.. So ning ad2 q ug CR kay kahiiun nq sa kakulba!, nag wee2 q ug bali 30seconds sa kakulba, nanamin pq, kabalo pud bya mag retouch ang mga Guys!, pinatilap dayon sa akong bangs na nagsinaw.. kapahingalom-os gud kog wala sa oras.. Pag gawas nq sa CR, dretso2 daun q ug ad2 sa sala, pra mkalingkod, SUS MARYA!! naay naglingkod sa sala, bata na boy.. So naicp nq na Brother cguro ni DreamGirl, so tama jud diay q, c DreamBrother-in-law jud diay to cya, nag HI q, and nagtando cya sa ako and nagabasa cya ug something sa papel, so nag initiate kog ask kung unsa iyang ginabuhat, HolyWakaMolly!, english espekening man diay ni c DreamBrother-in-law oyy! ana cya “”””I was just practicing my Poem for next weeks event””, Wenks, ning atras akong kalag ug 6 kilometers oyy.. pero pa impress dapat ta! tubag pod tag english, di q palupig to that boy oyy, “”””Oh really?, would you mind if I listen to your piece?”””” WHOOOAAA!! wala q katuo sa akong gi-ingon, ana gud q to myself, “”””Aq to?!!”””” nagpasalamat gud q sa ning sapi sa ako nga American Soul that time.. Si Innocent DreamBrother-in-law ning duol sa aq ug nag isplikar sa iyang makatang tula, and syempre mag compliment jud q pina Award Winning speech! ana q “”””WOW!, that was really something, I was moved by that piece for like 3 blocks in your neighborhood”” LOL! ningkatawa akong pinanggang DreamBrother-In-Law, grabe nyag share sa iyang prob about sa iyang piece, so ginatabangan jud nq cya ug correct maski tiny bit lng gud.. so within those minutes, naging close mi ni DreamBrother-In-Law, Happy au q, wala nq namalayan na naa diay c DreamGirl sa pikas chair, naminaw sa amoa, pag tan-aw nq sa iyaha, HOLY NECTARS OF THE FLOWER GODS!!! nka shorts and razor back lng c DreamGirl, Murag ning naog ang Adlaw ug ning dapo sa iyang PAA!, mkita jud nq ang consellations sa stars sa iyang skin tungod sa kadaghan sa iyang alum! lol.. medyo nkapag isip kog dili maayo ato (sorry girls ha, dli jud na mpugngan sa Guys) hahaha, pero gi-Delete jud daun nq tong image nya sa akong 160terabytes na Brain.. I caught her smiling, and nagmelt jud akong heart. murag iyang smile ang kalayo sa kandila ug akong heart ang wax kani-ad2.. natulala q sa iyaha.. and gibira ra ug kalit akong beloved ears ni DreamBrother-In-Law kay unsa pa daw akong mdungag sa iyang poem, so guys, nag suggest q sa iyaha nga ako nlng magbuhat sa iyang poem, grabe akong Confidence ato bay, ninglapas sa ceiling.. Actually ako jud nagbuhat sa iyahang poem, (pangitaon sa nq tong copy ha, nakalimot man gud q, lol). So after 45minutes, that felt like 24days sa akong interaction kay DreamBrother-In-Law, wala nq namalayan na Gabii na diay, So gapangita jud ko ug way na mka-uli na, kay d q gus2 musulod ug langob pa, kay kabalo q hagarun jud q ug kaon with Familia de Damgo.. Pero wala jud nq napugngan guys! b4 q naka make move and think of Alibis, I was asked to join the table for Dinner, so for the respect on their loyalty towards me, wala jud q ning tanggi.. ambi jud nq kami lng ni DreamGirl, MotherEarth, and DreamBrother-In-Law.. POOR ME, naa pa diay iyang mga cousins from outside the planet, i mean Country. 

So this was my Battle! it’s Life and Death guys! I was trying to prepare myself for the Dine in Hell! So we start off with a prayer, Grabe ka religious this family oyyy, almost 5mins tlga ung prayer nila, with all the Dear God, Lord God, Oh Jesus.. and Amen.. Sa akong kaulaw.. mura lng kog Iro did2 ba, na naghulat matagaan ug left-over, Pero, I was really Touched kc, Nilagyan ng Rice ang plate q ni DreamGirl. WITWEW!! nag Flash sa akoang imagination ang Future w/ DreamGirl!, I was seeing myself, pampered by DreamGirl, She Cooked food for me, Serving me the Dishes w/ our daughters and sons, (plural jud ha, kay ana ka Strong akong Love) hahaha and make subo2 to my little tiny mouth..  .. So nag Thank you aq with all my melted Heart.. then biglang nag kick in sa akong mind na naa pa man diay laing tao diria. So to break the Ice, gi ask q sa iyang ImportCousin#1, “”””hey, would u mind introducing your visitor to us?”””” BLAGADAGS!! kulba my Kasing2 oyy.. then sa walay pagduha2 ning tubag ug pina the flash akong DreamGirl. “”””ahh!. sorry about that, He’s a Friend of mine from School, say Hi to **R**””””.. LOLS!! ako tawon ning dilate ug 5mm akong pupils.. nakulbaan jud q sa ilang response, pina ana dayon c ImportCousin#2, “”””Oh hi **R**, nice to meet you””””, Sus c BoyDamgo na amang kadali, kalimot kog tubag, gi kuhit q ni DreamGirl, wooooosh!!! ning charge rag kalit akong Life force, nakatubag gud kog pang State of the Nation Address! “”””Hello, Nice meeting u all, I’m really glad that you invited me guys in this dinner, I’m a shy person, but with you guys, it really do felt like i’m home”””” Hahahaha! ganahan ka ana, panagsa lang mugawas akong pagka SumanCumLaude ba.. napuslan jud akong English na subject! and they were like, “”””Wow!, we’re really glad to hear that””””. So nagkaon2 nami, ako pud pina MariaClara mukaon, aron dli ingnon na ASAY ba, lisud na mahirap bya pag ganun ilang impression.. After we ate, we talk about many things, and they really fun to be with, we laughed and shared some thoughts and experiences.. and then all of the biglang sudden.. nag ask akong DreamBrother-In-Law, “”””Hmm, **R** do u have a Girlfriend?””””. OH MY GULAY!!! hapit nq msuka akong kinaon sa other hole nq, i almost farted because of the unexpected question.. So I tried to calm down and respond accordingly.. “”””As far as I could remember, I was trying to start a relationship, and I ended up having a Dinner with her family”””” HOLY CRAP!! why did I say that!!! did2 lng nq narealize akong gi-ingon!! Dakong PAGMAHAY guys!, did2 nq nafeel na murag naagian q ug Pison! OMG OMG OMG!! and in my Mind “”””Ignore this, they haven’t noticed it yet, gotta relax and Calm down””””.. BOOOOOOOM SHAKALAKA!!! ning tubag c MotherEarth, “”””Hey **M**. narinig mo yun?”””” and with volume 30 na tawa. Grabe talga tawa ni MotherEarth, I wasn’t expecting that kind of response, and I was force to laugh all along with her.. And then DreamGirl replied “”””Oo ma, I found myself happy to hear those words, gikan sa iyaha””””.. DEAR PAPA JESUS IN HEAVEN!!!!!!!! Ningpas2 ang flow sa akong Blood guys! ning contract tnan muscles sa akong Body, ning gawas ug 2seconds akong ABS from my fats ato na moment, mura kog c Coco Martin napa “”””YUN OH!!!”””” aq sa akong confused mind!. I was really Happy Guys, murag kami na ato ba, pero I stopped thinking that way, and I told myself “””” Start pa e2 BoyDamgo, So much more to do and Expect Hardships, Ibahin ntin c DreamGirl from other Girls””””.. lol. biglang sumagot c MotherEarth, “”””Oh well, I wont stop u dear, if u allow this boy to court you, Basta!!!”””” NAGSTOP akong Heartbeat sa BASTA, murag ningtaas akong EARS ug naghulat sa sumpay.. and then MotherEarth continued “”””Basta, I don’t want u guys to regret you actions”””” And I was impressed kay MotherEarth, not all Mothers are understanding like her, she Trust DreamGirl so much, and wala nq natingala nganu ana kadako iyang salig kay DreamGirl.. kay maski ako Guys, I trust her to make me fall in love with her, and I was not dissapointed, I was really entangled by her magic Smile and amazing personality… and with that Courage filling my insides up and down, I replied with my outmost Confidence.. “”””Ma’am, If I could have the Chance, I’d Prove myself na hindi ako magiging part sa List of Regrets ni DreamGirl””””, and the ImportCousins were like “”””Tell her and show her””””.. and Dreamgirl just smiled earnestly beside me, and I was super kilig beyond maximum 410 horse power.. AFTER THAT SO SUCCESSFUL dinner.. I was bidding goodbye to them, and giving my thanks for their warm welcome.. MotherEarth said “”””Oh iha, ihatid mo cya palabas ha, and mag-ingat ka pauwi **R**””””. and in my head i wanna say “”””Tnx Ma!”””” haha pero di pa pwd and all i can say was. “”””Slamat po”””” 

Hinatid na aq ni DreamGirl sa Gate, and sabi q sa kanya with my trembling alto volume 4 voice.. “”””uhmm, nabigla ba kita?, Sorry ha, if u dont want to, I’d respect that””””, pina puppy eyes daun ang peg nq. and sbi ni DreamGirl “”””Alam mo, i really ddn’t expect that, but i was kind of happy, thank you for being honest, malalaman lng ntin yan.”””” so immediately responded “”””OO naman!!, slamat!, pramis d aq nagmamadali. pwd q mangayo CP# nimo?””””, and then gigawas niya iyang gamhanang CP, and gave her number to me, ON that MOMENT!! na memorize q agad ang number niya, wala nq gitype daun sa aq CP, but i Carved it to my heart and mind! acheche! haha.. So i bid farewell, and nagpara q ug Taxi.. para dli pod ulaw ang exit ba, Taxi2 din tayo pag may time ba.. haha pumasok aq sa taxi with my Happy Win-Win smile in my face, as I wave my hands goodbye towards the love of my Layp!.. Pinatxt daun ug 1231words per second.. “”””Thank You! See you Tomorrow sa Jeep! este sa School”””” with a lots of smiley!!.. gi-wait q talga ang reply nya.. and sad to say, nka uwi nlng aq, nkapgbhis, and nkapag toothbrush and ready to sleep, la parin cya nagtxt.. Pero after I prayed and closed my eyes.. Ningsiga akong Kinakusgang Torque na Phone!!! dali2 kog bangon ba, lupig pang militar na nagtraining.. Gikamang jud nq ang floor and Gi-ibot nq ang phone sa charger ug pina Strong.. And there was it guys, The Message from the God of Love had just arrived.. and it was “”””Goodnight, cya sa Jeep! “”””. MAMA MIA!! npatalon aq ng 1 floor, and Biglang uminit ang aking katawan,, and with the burst of happiness, i Replied as fast as i could, “”””Yes Boss!! Affirmative Roger that!! Goodnight Sleeptight, Sweetdreams :)))) “””” ana jud diay ning inLove ka no? haha.. and then she replied with a Smiley.. But that smiley means so much to me, mura natog Moon na nag Smile sa ako beyond my window, and ang mga stars nag Align forming a lots of hearts!  lol..

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Men follows the path of romanticism, and clearly I'm one of those men, despite the fact that love knows no boundaries. I myself believe that it only depends on how a certain person perceives it, and for me I experienced and witnessed love in different ways, wherein each one of those moments would weep your eyes out from crying or blow you away from laughing, somewhat ambivalence, but seriously I'm the kind of guy who views life positively. I wish to inspire people by sharing my romantic yet filled with comedy stories, and I am hoping to open their minds to be optimistic and patient, because in Life nothing is certain, only death. Yet we defy that sad ending by enjoying our life, fulfilling our goals, reaching our dreams and someday live life without regrets. Clearly speaking I seek love wherein I find myself in peace and find my partner contented to our relationship. Read my Stories, and I'm quite sure you'll view love in a different way.