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    No classes in Davao City schools today


    Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has ordered the suspension of classes today in Davao City.

    Classes have been suspended for all levels in the city. A posted Facebook wall post of The City Government of Davao Facebook page confirming this announcement:


    Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has ordered the suspension of classes today in Davao City in all levels. Although Davao City has not been placed under any storm signal, PAGASA advisories have stated Davao City will be experiencing rains with gusty winds. Please be guided accordingly. Thank you.

    As of 6:30AM, Sirib, Maa, Bunawan, Marilog, Baguio, Calinan, Mintal, Toril, Baliok, Matina Crossing, Lasang, Downtown area experiencing light to moderate rains. Paquibato heavy rains.
    Central 911 has activated full recall protocol.