Home Events & Entertainment United States Potato Board Visits Davao City

United States Potato Board Visits Davao City


The United States Potato Board (USPB) is a U.S based marketing organization that helps promote 4,000 commercial potato growers in the United States. They conduct international marketing programs to help customers around the world gain more profit. To know further about USPB and their amazing advocacy in business marketing, health, and all the amazing things about potatoes, visit their website at www.potatoesusa-philippines.com .

Last Tuesday (Dec 1), USPB Philippines organized a 3-day event here in Davao City. It was about promoting and sharing the US Potatoes with the Davaoeneos. USPB invited food & lifestyle bloggers from Manila and Davao to join the event, luckily we were given a chance to be a part of it – #USPotatoSafari3 was the official hashtag. Everyone learned a lot, ate a lot, and gained more friends.

Day 1 (Seminar and Food Tasting/Sampling)
Learning more about US Potatoes
Claude’s Caffe De Ville
Waterfront Insular Hotel : Café Uno

Day 2 (Food Demo and Food Tasting/Sampling)
Chef Sandy Daza Cooking Demo
Marco Polo Hotel : Polo Bistro

Day 3 (Cook-off)
Waterfront Insular Hotel : Venue

Global Marketing Manager of US Potato Board, Susan Weller
Global Marketing Manager of US Potato Board, Susan Weller
US Potato Board gave us samples of their high-quality potatoes, YUM!!
US Potato Board gave us samples of their high-quality potatoes, YUM!!
(left-right) Chef Sandy Daza, myself, fellow blogger Ms. Verna Luga
(left-right) Chef Sandy Daza, myself, fellow blogger Ms. Verna Luga
Chef Sandy Daza’sfood creations
Chef Sandy Daza’sfood creations

In that 3-day event, my love for potatoes escalated! I had an in-depth learning about US potatoes and the vegetable itself. Do you know that a regular size potato only have 110 calories and 0 fat? That it has the highest amount of protein of all vegetables? And has more Potassium than a banana? I’m sure I sparked some interest in you as well. It’s time to say yes to guilt-free eating of French fries and mashed potatoes!! Read more interesting nutrition facts here: www.potatoesusa.com/potato-nutrition/resouce-downloads .

The USPB food safari event also made me experience a wide array of potato-based dishes from 3 respectable restaurants in the metro. As a chef and an online writer, I was astonished on how these talented creators came up with such unique food masterpieces. Kudos to Chefs, Claude Le Niendre, Victor Barangan, Alex Destriza, and Sandy Daza.  They made me really excited to write and share about the intense bliss I had as each appetizing dish kept coming and coming.  The food they presented weren’t only eye teasers but also palate pleasers. Cheers to all the potato farmers and of course to those restaurants all over the globe who serves lovely US potato-based dishes for us to enjoy!

Potato dining in Davao City? Click the following links : (Standby for coming articles)

Claude’s Caffe De Ville
Café Uno
Food Demo and Food Tasting/Sampling
Chef Sandy Daza Cooking Demo
Marco Polo Hotel : Polo Bistro
Cook off at Waterfront Insular Hotel